Our Guide to Secure Password Storage Options

The security of your business’s sensitive information is paramount. One critical aspect of this is ensuring that your organisation’s password storage is secure. At Blue Planet Networking, we understand the challenges businesses face in maintaining robust security measures.

This blog will explore the various options available for secure business password storage and how each method can benefit your organisation.

1. Password Managers

Password managers are software applications designed to store and manage passwords securely. They encrypt the passwords, requiring only one master password to access the vault.


  • Centralised Storage: Keeps all your passwords in one place.
  • Enhanced Security: Uses strong encryption to protect passwords.
  • Convenience: Auto-fills passwords and can generate strong, unique passwords for each account.

Popular Options:

  • RoboForm: Fulfils core password management tasks and fills forms with lots of personal information.
  • LastPass: Offers extensive features for both individuals and businesses, including secure password sharing and access controls.
  • 1Password: Known for its user-friendly interface and robust security features.
  • Dashlane: Provides additional features like VPN and dark web monitoring.

2. Encrypted Spreadsheets

While not as sophisticated as password managers, encrypted spreadsheets can be a simple solution for small businesses or teams.


  • Simplicity: Easy to set up and use without additional software.
  • Control: Complete control over how and where passwords are stored.

How to Secure:

  • Use Strong Encryption: Ensure the spreadsheet is encrypted with a strong password.
  • Access Control: Limit access to the spreadsheet to authorised personnel only.

3. Hardware Security Modules (HSMs)

HSMs are physical devices used to manage and store cryptographic keys and perform encryption and decryption functions.


  • Physical Security: As a hardware solution, it is inherently resistant to cyber-attacks.
  • High-Level Encryption: Provides robust encryption, suitable for highly sensitive data.


  • Cost: Typically more expensive than software solutions.
  • Complexity: Requires specialised knowledge to set up and manage.

4. Cloud-Based Solutions

Cloud-based password management solutions offer the advantage of accessibility and scalability, ideal for businesses with distributed teams.


  • Accessibility: Access passwords from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Scalability: Easily scale as your business grows.

Popular Options:

  • Keeper Security: Offers secure password storage with features like biometric login and dark web monitoring.
  • Bitwarden: An open-source password manager known for its transparency and strong security practices.

5. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

While MFA is not a storage method, it is a crucial addition to any password storage strategy. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring two or more verification methods. To find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication click here to read our blog on this topc.


  • Enhanced Security: Reduces the risk of unauthorised access even if passwords are compromised.
  • Flexibility: Various methods are available, including SMS codes, authenticator apps, and biometric verification.



Choosing the right method for storing your business passwords securely is essential to protect your sensitive data. At Blue Planet Networking, we recommend evaluating your specific needs and considering a combination of solutions for optimal security. Whether you opt for a password manager, encrypted spreadsheets, hardware security modules, cloud-based solutions, or multi-factor authentication, ensuring robust security measures will safeguard your business against potential threats.

For more personalised advice on securing your business’s digital assets, contact Blue Planet Networking. Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the complexities of cybersecurity and implement the best solutions for your organisation.